The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Hexagonal Architecture: Focus on the Domain
A hexagonal probe on Mars by DALL•E

Although it has existed for many years, Hexagonal Architecture has been experiencing significant growth recently. At the core of this architecture is the Domain: it plays a central role by encapsulating business logic and ensuring a clear separation between functional and technical concerns.

This article aims to guide you step-by-step in setting up the domain part of hexagonal architecture. We will address essential questions that every developer must ask to build a solid application domain: How to structure inbound and outbound ports? What is the role of business services and entities? How to handle exceptions and return types? What are the best practices for data validation and how can DTOs be used?

By exploring these topics, we will present appropriate solutions and implementation choices that will allow you to build your domain with the right tools while adhering to the state of the art. This guide will provide you with the keys to mastering the design of an efficient and coherent domain within your application.

1. Definition of Inbound and Outbound Ports

In hexagonal architecture, ports define the interaction points between the domain’s business logic and the external layers. They are divided into two main categories: inbound ports and outbound ports.

Inbound Ports (Application Interfaces)

Inbound ports, represented by interfaces like UserApiPort, expose the operations the application offers to external layers. These ports define the use cases or application services that the system provides, such as createUser, findUserById, updateUser, and deleteUser.

public interface UserApiPort {
    User createUser(User user);
    User findUserById(Long id);
    User updateUser(Long id, User user);
    void deleteUser(Long id);
  • Use of inbound port calls:

    • Inbound ports act as application contracts between the domain and external adapters (e.g., REST controllers, user interfaces).
    • They allow external layers to invoke business operations without needing to know the internal implementation details.
    • By focusing on the application’s functional needs, they provide a clear interface for implementing defined use cases.
  • Naming and responsibility distinctions:

    • Inbound interfaces can be named with the ApiPort suffix, reflecting their role as application interfaces (API) for the provided operations.
    • They focus on the functional logic and services the application provides to users.
  • Handling return values and exceptions:

    • Inbound port methods return business objects, such as User, or raise business exceptions when issues arise (e.g., ResourceNotFoundException, BusinessRuleViolationException).
    • This allows external adapters to appropriately handle errors and provide clear responses to the application’s clients.


  • The findUserById(Long id) method returns a User or raises a ResourceNotFoundException if the user does not exist.
  • The createUser(User user) method raises a BusinessRuleViolationException if the user’s name is empty or null.


  • Functional Decoupling: Inbound ports isolate business logic from the technical details of external layers.
  • Service Clarity: They explicitly define the available operations, making the application easier to understand and use.


  • Complex Initial Design: This requires a good understanding of use cases to define relevant interfaces.

Outbound Ports (Technical Interfaces)

Outbound ports, such as UserSpiPort, define how the domain interacts with external systems. They focus on the technical aspects necessary to carry out business operations, like database access or external services.

public interface UserSpiPort {
    User saveUser(User user);
    Optional<User> findUser(Long userId);
    User updateUser(User user);
    void deleteUser(Long userId);
  • Use of outbound port calls:

    • Outbound ports act as technical interfaces that the domain uses to perform its tasks, without concerning itself with concrete implementations.
    • They allow delegation of technical operations to specialized adapters, while keeping the domain independent of specific technologies.
  • Naming and responsibility distinctions:

    • Outbound interfaces can be named with the SpiPort suffix, indicating their role as Service Provider Interface or SPI.
    • They focus on the technical details required for the domain to function, without involving business logic.
  • Handling return values and exceptions:

    • Outbound port methods often return Optional<User>, reflecting technical uncertainty about the existence of a resource.
    • They do not raise business exceptions, leaving it to the domain to decide how to handle cases where data is not available.


The findUserById(Long id) method returns an Optional<User>, indicating that the user may or may not exist in the external system.


  • Technical Flexibility: Makes it easier to change the implementation of technical services without affecting the domain.
  • Testability: Outbound ports can be easily mocked during unit tests, thereby isolating the business logic.


  • Need for Adequate Abstraction: Ports must be generic enough to avoid introducing technological dependencies into the domain.

Importance of These Distinctions

  • Consistent Error Handling: By separating responsibilities, the domain can decide how to handle cases of missing data (e.g., raising a business exception), while outbound ports manage technical uncertainties.
  • Code Clarity: Developers can quickly understand the role of each interface based on its name and location within the project.
  • Maintainability: This organization simplifies future modifications, whether adding new features or changing the technical implementation.

Reason for Choosing This Structure

  • Strong Decoupling: By clearly distinguishing between inbound and outbound ports, hexagonal architecture ensures decoupling between the application’s functional logic and technical implementation details.
  • Adaptability: Allows for technical adapters to be modified or replaced without impacting the domain or application services.
  • Consistency in Communication: External adapters interact with the domain via clear functional interfaces, while the domain uses well-defined technical interfaces to access external resources.

2. Exception Handling in the Domain

The domain is meant to be independent of technical details and should focus on business logic. This raises the following question: should the domain handle only business exceptions, or can it also be concerned with certain technical errors?

The Domain and Business Errors

The domain is responsible for business logic and must handle situations where business rules are violated. To do this, specific domain exceptions should be defined, such as:

  • ResourceNotFoundException: Thrown when a requested resource (such as a user) does not exist.
  • BusinessRuleViolationException: Thrown when a business rule is violated, for instance, when a user attempts to register with an already-used email address.
public class ResourceNotFoundException extends RuntimeException {
    public ResourceNotFoundException(String message) {
public class BusinessRuleViolationException extends RuntimeException {
    public BusinessRuleViolationException(String message) {
    public BusinessRuleViolationException(String message, Throwable cause) {
        super(message, cause);

These exceptions allow the domain to clearly signal to the calling layers that a business rule violation has occurred, without exposing internal technical details.


The use of RuntimeException (unchecked exceptions) simplifies the code by avoiding the explicit declaration of exceptions while allowing their automatic propagation to the adapters for centralized handling of business errors.

Can the Domain Focus Solely on Business Errors?

Ideally, the domain should concentrate exclusively on business errors. Technical errors, such as database, network, or input/output exceptions, should be handled by technical adapters (implementations of SPI ports). However, in practice, some technical errors can impact business logic and cannot be completely ignored by the domain.

  • Examples of cases where the domain must consider technical errors:

    • Unavailability of an essential external service: If a business operation depends on an external service (such as a payment system) and that service is unavailable, the domain must decide how to respond, for example by canceling the transaction and informing the user.
    • Violations of technical constraints reflecting business rules: For example, a database uniqueness constraint violation might reflect a business rule of uniqueness that was not enforced earlier.

Domain’s Responsibility Regarding Errors in APIs and SPIs

At the Inbound Ports (API) Level

Inbound ports, such as UserApiPort, define the use cases that the domain exposes to external adapters (such as REST controllers).

  • Domain’s responsibilities:

    • Raise business exceptions: When business rules are violated, the domain raises specific exceptions like BusinessRuleViolationException or ResourceNotFoundException.
    • Provide clear returns: API port methods return business objects or raise business exceptions, allowing external adapters to handle errors appropriately.


The domain should not propagate technical exceptions through inbound ports, but it may raise business exceptions (such as ResourceNotFoundException or BusinessRuleViolationException). External adapters capture these business exceptions and translate them into appropriate responses for clients (e.g., HTTP status codes like 404 Not Found or 409 Conflict in the case of a REST API).

At the Outbound Ports (SPI) Level

Outbound ports, such as UserSpiPort, define how the domain interacts with external systems (e.g., a database).

  • Domain’s responsibilities:

    • Handle technical uncertainties: SPI port methods may return Optional<User> to indicate that the user might not exist, without raising technical exceptions.
    • Avoid managing technical exceptions: Adapters that implement the SPI should capture technical exceptions (such as SQLException or ConstraintViolationException) and transform them into results the domain can understand (e.g., Optional.empty()).


The domain should be protected from technical exceptions arising from SPI adapters to maintain its independence from technical details.

In Summary

  • The domain:

    • Manages business errors by raising specific exceptions.
    • Must be informed of critical technical errors impacting business logic, without handling technical details.
    • Does not propagate technical exceptions to external adapters.
  • Technical adapters (SPI):

    • Capture technical errors and transform them into results the domain can understand (e.g., Optional.empty()).
    • Do not propagate technical exceptions to the domain.
  • External adapters (API):

    • Receive business exceptions from the domain and transform them into appropriate responses for clients (e.g., HTTP error codes).

By adhering to these principles, exception handling in the domain remains consistent with the goals of hexagonal architecture: maintaining a clear separation between business logic and technical details, while ensuring robustness and resilience of the application in the face of various errors.

3. Business Services in Hexagonal Architecture

In hexagonal architecture, business services encapsulate the application’s business logic. They orchestrate the operations necessary to carry out the defined use cases, relying on ports and adapters to interact with external systems and infrastructure layers.

Positioning of Business Services within APIs and SPIs

public class UserApiService implements UserApiPort {

    private final UserSpiPort userSpiPort;
    public User addUser(User user) {
        return userSpiPort.saveUser(user);

    public User getUser(Long userId) {
        return userSpiPort.findUser(userId)
                .orElseThrow(() -> new ResourceNotFoundException("User not found: " + userId));

Business services sit at the heart of the domain and interact with inbound (API) and outbound (SPI) ports:

  • Inbound Ports (API): Business services implement the interfaces defined by API ports. These interfaces represent the use cases the application exposes to external adapters (e.g., REST controllers).

    • Example: The UserApiService implements the UserApiPort interface, which defines operations such as createUser, findUserById, updateUser, and deleteUser.
  • Outbound Ports (SPI): Business services use the interfaces defined by SPI ports to interact with external systems (such as data persistence). They delegate technical operations to adapters that implement these ports.

    • Example: UserApiService uses UserSpiPort to access methods like saveUser and findUserById, without worrying about where and how this data will be stored.

What Business Services Can Do

  • Encapsulate Business Logic: They are responsible for enforcing business rules, specific validations, and orchestrating the operations necessary to execute a use case.

    • Example: Verifying that a user does not already exist before creating them, or ensuring that the provided data meets business constraints.
  • Raise Business Exceptions: In case of a business rule violation, services can raise specific exceptions to signal the issue to higher layers.

    • Example: Raising a BusinessRuleViolationException if an email address is already in use.
  • Use SPI Ports: They delegate technical operations to adapters via SPI ports, ensuring decoupling between business logic and technical details.

    • Example: Calling userSpiPort.saveUser(user) to persist a user without knowing the details of the database.

What Business Services Should Not Do

  • Manage Technical Details: They should not include logic related to specific technologies, such as direct database interactions, network protocols, or external frameworks.

    • Explanation: This would violate the principle of separation of concerns and make the domain dependent on technical details.
  • Manipulate Technical Objects: Business services should not directly manipulate technical objects (e.g., JPA entities or framework-specific DTOs).

    • Explanation: They should work with pure business objects to maintain domain independence.
  • Handle Technical Exceptions: They should not handle exceptions related to technical layers (such as SQLException). These exceptions should be captured and handled by the technical adapters.

    • Explanation: The domain should remain agnostic of technical details to ensure its portability and testability.

Advantages of Business Services

  • Centralization of Business Logic: By grouping rules and business processes within services, system maintenance and evolution become easier.

  • Layer Decoupling: Business services interact with ports, ensuring a clear separation between the domain and technical layers.

  • Improved Testability: By isolating business logic, services can be tested independently from external infrastructure.

By following these guidelines, business services contribute to a clear, modular architecture that adheres to DevOps and craftsmanship principles.

4. Using Business Entities

Within hexagonal architecture, business entities represent the primary objects of the domain, encapsulating both the state and behavior associated with them. They are central to business logic and must be designed to ensure consistency, maintainability, and independence from technical layers.

Business Entities

Business entities are objects that model key elements of the application domain, such as Users, orders, or products. They contain essential data and methods that manipulate this data according to the defined business rules.

public class User {
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private String email;
    private boolean active;

    public User(Long id, String name, String email) {
        validateEmail(email); = id; = name; = email; = false;

    // Business methods
    public void activateAccount() { = true;

    public void changeEmail(String newEmail) {
        validateEmail(newEmail); = newEmail;

    // Internal validations
    private void validateName(String name) {
        if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) {
            throw new BusinessRuleViolationException("Name cannot be null or empty.");

    private void validateEmail(String email) {
        if (email == null || !email.contains("@")) {
            throw new BusinessRuleViolationException("Invalid email address.");

    // Getters and setters
    // ...
  • Key characteristics of business entities:

    • Encapsulation of state and behavior: Entities group together their attributes (data) and methods (behaviors).
    • Technological independence: They are not dependent on frameworks, libraries, or specific technologies, allowing the domain to remain independent of external layers.
    • Consistency of business rules: They ensure that domain constraints and invariants are respected.

Different Possible Implementations

Several approaches can be used to implement business entities in Java:

1. Java POJO (Plain Old Java Object)

POJOs are classic Java classes without dependencies on any particular framework. They contain private attributes and public methods to access and modify these attributes.

  • Advantages:

    • Simplicity and clarity: Easy to understand and maintain.
    • Full control: Allows complete customization of behavior.
  • Disadvantages:

    • Verbosity: Requires manually writing repetitive code (constructors, getters, setters).

2. Java Records

Introduced in Java 14, records are concise, immutable classes designed to hold data.

public record User(Long id, String name, String email, boolean active) {
    public User {

    // Business methods returning new objects due to immutability
    public User activateAccount() {
        return new User(id, name, email, true);

    public User changeEmail(String newEmail) {
        return new User(id, name, newEmail, active);

    // Internal validations
    private static void validateName(String name) {
        if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) {
            throw new BusinessRuleViolationException("Name cannot be null or empty.");

    private static void validateEmail(String email) {
        if (email == null || !email.contains("@")) {
            throw new BusinessRuleViolationException("Invalid email address.");
  • Advantages:

    • Conciseness: Reduces boilerplate code.
    • Immutability: Encourages data safety and consistency.
  • Disadvantages:

    • Limitation of mutations: Every modification creates a new instance, which may be less performant.
    • Availability: Requires Java 14 or higher.

3. Lombok

Lombok is a library that automatically generates repetitive code through annotations.

public class User {
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private String email;
    private boolean active;

    // Business methods
    public void activateAccount() { = true;

    public void changeEmail(String newEmail) {
        if (newEmail == null || !newEmail.contains("@")) {
            throw new BusinessRuleViolationException("Invalid email address.");
        } = newEmail;
  • Advantages:

    • Reduces repetitive code: Automatically generates getters, setters, constructors, etc.
    • Improved readability: More concise source code.
  • Disadvantages:

    • External dependency: Introduces an additional dependency.
    • Hidden magic: The generated code is not visible, which can complicate debugging.


After evaluating the different options, here are clear recommendations:

  1. Favor POJOs for Complete Control

    • Why: They offer great flexibility and independence from Java versions or external dependencies.
    • Best Practices:
      • Use private attributes with public methods for access.
      • Include validations in constructors and setters.
      • Avoid exposing too much of the internal state (encapsulation principle).
  2. Use Records for Immutable Entities

    • Why: If the business entity is naturally immutable, records offer a concise and safe syntax.
    • Best Practices:
      • Include validations in the compact constructor.
      • Handle mutations by returning new instances.
  3. Use Lombok with Caution

    • Why: Lombok can speed up development but may introduce complexity.
    • Best Practices:
      • Ensure the team is comfortable with Lombok.
      • Clearly document the use of annotations.
      • Limit Lombok to cases where the benefit is significant.

Data Validation in Business Entities

Data validation is essential to maintain domain integrity.

  • Implementing Validation:

    • In constructors and methods: Integrate validation for each attribute during creation or modification.
    • Raise business exceptions: Use specific exceptions to signal business rule violations.
public class User {
    // Private attributes

    public User(Long id, String name, String email) {
        // Initialize attributes

    public void changeEmail(String newEmail) {
        validateEmail(newEmail); = newEmail;

    private void validateName(String name) {
        if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) {
            throw new BusinessRuleViolationException("Name cannot be null or empty.");

    private void validateEmail(String email) {
        if (email == null || !email.contains("@")) {
            throw new BusinessRuleViolationException("Invalid email address.");

    // Other methods and getters/setters

5. Choosing Return Types for Methods

In a hexagonal architecture, the choice of return types for domain, SPI, and API methods is crucial. This decision directly affects the roles and capabilities of each component and must be made carefully to maintain a clear separation between business logic, technical details, and external communication.

Return types act as interface points between the domain, SPI, and API. By wisely defining these types, each layer can perform its specific function without overstepping the responsibilities of others. For example:

  • The domain can focus on business logic by returning clear business objects or raising appropriate business exceptions.
  • The SPI handles technical details and external system uncertainties, using technical return types such as Optional or error codes.
  • The API interacts with external clients by translating domain results into appropriate responses and adhering to standard communication protocols.


Introduced in Java 8, Optional is a container class that may or may not contain a non-null value. It is used to explicitly represent the possible absence of a value, thereby avoiding issues related to NullPointerException.

Illustrative Scenarios

To better understand how this separation works in practice, here are some concrete scenarios showing the interactions between SPI, domain, and API.

ScenarioSPIDomainAPI (e.g., REST)
1. Searching for a non-existent userReturns Optional.empty()Raises a ResourceNotFoundException business exception.Captures the exception and returns an HTTP 404 Not Found response to the client.
2. Creating an already existing userCaptures the technical uniqueness constraint exception.Before saving, the domain checks if the user already exists. If they do, it raises a BusinessRuleViolationException.Captures the exception and returns an HTTP 409 Conflict response to the client.
3. Updating a non-existent resourceReturns a boolean indicating whether the update succeeded.If the update fails (returns false), the domain raises a ResourceNotFoundException.Captures the exception and returns an HTTP 404 Not Found response to the client.
4. Database connection errorCaptures the technical DatabaseConnectionException.May raise a ServiceUnavailableException or handle the error according to business rules.Captures the exception and returns an HTTP 503 Service Unavailable response.
5. Empty resource list when fetching usersReturns a list, which may be empty.The empty list is considered a valid response and is returned as-is.Returns an HTTP 200 OK response with an empty list to the client.

Benefits of This Approach

  • Decoupling Layers: Each layer has a well-defined responsibility, making maintenance and scalability easier.
  • Clarity in Error Handling: Technical errors do not cross layers, and clients receive consistent messages.
  • Flexibility: The technical implementation of the SPI can be changed without impacting the domain or API.

Best Practices

  • Do Not Expose SPI Technical Types to the Domain: The domain should work with business objects and not depend on specific technical types.
  • Use Business Exceptions in the Domain: To signal issues related to business rules.
  • Translate Business Exceptions into Appropriate HTTP Codes: The API should map exceptions to standard HTTP codes for clear communication with the client.
  • Handle Technical Exceptions in the SPI: The SPI should capture technical exceptions and provide results that the domain can interpret.

6. Data Validation

In hexagonal architecture, data validation can occur at multiple levels, but the business service is primarily responsible for business validations. However, input adapters (e.g., REST controllers or application services) can also play a role by validating the syntax and structure of data before passing it to the domain.

Here is the breakdown of responsibilities.

Input Adapters (REST, UI, etc.)

They can check that the received data respects the expected syntax and format (e.g., required fields, valid date formats, etc.).

These adapters can use validation libraries like Hibernate Validator (which follows the Bean Validation standard) to validate DTOs before passing them to the domain.

This helps filter errors before the data reaches the business service, reducing the complexity of error handling within the domain.

public ResponseEntity<UserDto> createUser(@Valid @RequestBody UserDto userDto) {
    // If validation fails, a 400 Bad Request will be returned automatically
    User createdUser = userService.createUser(userDtoMapper.toDomain(userDto));
    return new ResponseEntity<>(userDtoMapper.toDto(createdUser), HttpStatus.CREATED);

Business Service (Domain)

It is responsible for business validations that are specific to the domain. This involves verifying, for example, that a user does not already exist, or that a specific business rule is respected (e.g., the user must be of legal age).

The domain uses standard language instructions to encapsulate these validations in business objects. Business exceptions are raised if any rules are violated.

Business validation ensures that business rules are upheld. This helps maintain data integrity within the domain.

public User createUser(User user) {
    if (userRepository.findUserByEmail(user.getEmail()).isPresent()) {
        throw new BusinessRuleViolationException("User already exists.");
    return userRepository.saveUser(user);

Impacts for Other Components

  • Input Adapters:
    • By ensuring that received data is valid at the reception point, input adapters help reduce complexity and error handling in the domain. If validation fails, the adapters directly return a 400 Bad Request with an explanatory message.
  • Business Service:
    • If validation fails within the business service (e.g., due to a business rule violation), a specific exception (such as a BusinessRuleViolationException) is raised and captured by the input adapter to return a 409 Conflict or another appropriate HTTP code. This ensures that business rules remain centralized within the domain and not within the infrastructure.

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Advantages:
    • Separation of responsibilities: Structure and syntax validations are handled at the adapter level, while business validations are concentrated in the business service.
    • Clear error handling: Errors related to business rule violations or incorrect formats are clearly identified and returned with appropriate HTTP codes (400, 409, etc.).
  • Disadvantages:
    • Potential duplication: In some cases, the same validation might be needed in both the adapter (for structure reasons) and in the domain (for business reasons), which could lead to duplication.
    • Additional complexity: Although this approach is highly modular and decoupled, it can sometimes make the system more complex to implement and maintain.

In summary, within hexagonal architecture, data validation is split between input adapters and the business service, with a clear separation between structure/syntax validations and business validations. This decoupling enhances modularity but requires careful attention to avoid validation duplication.

7. Role of DTOs in Hexagonal Architecture

In hexagonal architecture, DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) serve to transfer data between the various layers of the application, especially between external adapters (such as REST controllers) and the domain. They ensure strict decoupling between business logic and external interfaces, while facilitating adaptation to the specific data formats needed by each layer.

Why Use DTOs?

  • Separation of Concerns:

    DTOs allow separation between data representation in external interfaces (REST API, UI) and the business objects in the domain. This ensures that business logic encapsulated in domain objects is not directly exposed to external adapters.

    Example: A UserDto used to transfer user data via a REST API contains only the necessary information (ID, name, address), while the User domain object encapsulates more complex behaviors and business rules.

public class User {
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private String email;
    private Address address; // Class that contains the user's address information
    private List<Order> orders; // List of orders placed by the user
    // Constructors, getters, and setters...
public class UserDto {
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private String address; // Address represented as a string (e.g., "123 Main St, City, Country")
    // Constructors, getters, and setters...
  • Adapting to Data Formats:

    DTOs facilitate mapping data from a format suited to external clients’ needs (e.g., JSON for a REST API) to richer domain objects that adhere to business rules. This provides flexibility in data transformation.

    Example: A UserDtoMapper can convert a UserDto into a User domain object and vice versa.

public class UserDtoMapper {
    // Method to convert a DTO into a domain object
    public User toDomain(UserDto dto) {
        Address address = parseAddress(dto.getAddress()); // Convert the address from String to an Address object
        return new User(dto.getId(), dto.getName(), dto.getEmail(), address, new ArrayList<>());

    // Method to convert a domain object into a DTO
    public UserDto toDto(User user) {
        String address = formatAddress(user.getAddress()); // Convert the Address object to a String
        return new UserDto(user.getId(), user.getName(), user.getEmail(), address);

    // Utility method to transform an address string into an Address object
    private Address parseAddress(String address) {
        // Assumes the address is in the form "123 Main St, City, Country"
        String[] parts = address.split(", ");
        return new Address(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2]);

    // Utility method to format an Address object into a string
    private String formatAddress(Address address) {
        return String.format("%s, %s, %s", address.getStreet(), address.getCity(), address.getCountry());
  • Domain Protection:

    DTOs offer control over what data is exposed to external clients, filtering out sensitive or unnecessary information for the API context. This protects the integrity of domain data and prevents exposure of unnecessary technical or business details.

    Example: A UserDto can omit sensitive fields such as financial information or passwords.

Benefits of DTOs

  • Modularity: The decoupling between external layers and the domain enhances code modularity. Changes to DTOs do not directly affect the domain, simplifying maintenance.

  • Reduced Dependencies: External layers do not need to be aware of internal domain details, which limits dependencies between different application layers.

  • Adaptability and Scalability: DTOs make it easy to adapt the data format according to the needs of external interfaces (adding fields, handling API versions) without impacting business logic.

Disadvantages of DTOs

  • Additional Complexity: Using DTOs requires maintaining additional classes and mappers to transform objects between layers, which can complicate the code and increase maintenance.

  • Potential Duplication: DTOs may sometimes duplicate information found in domain objects, leading to maintenance overhead if mappers are not well managed.

In Summary

The use of DTOs in a hexagonal architecture is essential to maintain the independence of the domain from external technologies. They allow for flexible data mapping between the different layers, protect business objects from direct exposure, and ensure better modularity within the application. However, this approach introduces some complexity and requires additional effort to maintain the mappers and DTOs.

8. Organization of Domain Packages

A clear and well-structured organization of packages helps avoid design mistakes and clearly identify each component of the system. By isolating the domain in an independent module, we ensure that it remains free from technical dependencies or external frameworks. This separation helps maintain the integrity of the domain by protecting its business logic from technical concerns, while facilitating the evolution of the architecture over time.

Within a hexagonal architecture, this modular structure ensures that responsibilities are clearly defined between the domain, the ports (inbound and outbound), and the services, thus promoting clear decoupling and coherent code organization.

Package by Layer vs. Package by Feature

  • The Package by Layer approach organizes classes by their technical role, grouping them by the architecture’s cross-cutting layers.
  • The Package by Feature approach organizes classes by functionality or use case.

For a modern architecture aimed at flexibility and the ability to evolve rapidly (such as hexagonal architecture), Package by Feature is recommended as it guarantees better separation of concerns and facilitates the transformation of features into autonomous services.

An Example of Package Structure for the “user” Use Case

├── common/
│   └── exceptions/
│       ├──
│       └──
└── user/
    ├── domain/
    │   └──
    ├── port/
    │   ├── inbound/
    │   │   └──
    │   └── outbound/
    │       └──
    └── service/

Class and Interface Details

  1. Package domain.common.exceptions:
    • This package contains common business exceptions to signal rule violations or resource absence, distinct from technical exceptions.
    • The goal is to centralize these exceptions to maintain domain consistency and encapsulation.
  2. Package domain.user:
    • The domain.user package groups all elements related to the “user” business domain. By isolating all relevant classes, interfaces, and services within this single package, several advantages are achieved:

      • Ease of Identification: The domain.user package brings together everything related to the “user” domain in one place. This simplifies understanding and navigating the code, as it’s easy to locate components associated with this business entity.

      • Modularity and Reusability: By isolating the domain.user package, it becomes modular. This makes the system extensible, as new behaviors and services specific to user can be added without impacting other parts of the domain.

      • Ease of Relocation and Maintenance: Since the domain.user package is isolated, it can easily be moved, restructured, or even extracted into another project. For instance, if the user entity were to be externalized as an independent microservice, it would be relatively simple to do so, as all related classes and interfaces are already well encapsulated within a single package.

      • Business Context Consistency: Grouping all parts related to user within a single package helps preserve business context consistency. All objects, services, ports (inbound and outbound) remain encapsulated within a single context, helping to avoid circular dependencies and ensuring a clear separation of concerns.

  3. Package domain.user.port.inbound:
    • The inbound ports package contains interfaces defining use cases exposed to external adapters.
    • These interfaces serve as contracts between external layers and business logic, describing the functional operations of the domain without exposing its internal logic.
  4. Package domain.user.port.outbound:
    • Outbound ports define technical interfaces allowing the domain to access external systems (databases, third-party services, etc.).
    • They delegate technical tasks while maintaining the domain’s independence from underlying technologies, ensuring infrastructure flexibility.
  5. Package domain.user.service:
    • The services package contains business implementations that orchestrate inbound and outbound port operations.
    • These services implement inbound interfaces, ensure business logic, and delegate technical operations to outbound ports.

This organization allows the code to be structured according to the principles of separation of concerns and decoupling between business and technical layers, thus ensuring a modular and easily maintainable architecture.

Conclusion - Beyond the Hexagon

Hexagonal architecture, with its principles of decoupling and separation of concerns, provides a robust and scalable framework for managing the complexity of a modern application. However, beyond these technical choices, other dimensions of software architecture deserve exploration.

A natural step after mastering hexagonal architecture is to consider infrastructure management. The decoupling between the domain and infrastructure opens up numerous technical implementation strategies: cloud computing, container deployment, microservices…

Each approach brings its own challenges and opportunities. Transitioning to architectures like microservices also raises questions about service distribution management, resilience, and the trade-offs between modularity and operational complexity.

Beyond infrastructure, other architectures may also be considered.

For example, layered architecture remains a viable option for simpler applications where strict separation between the domain and infrastructure is not necessary. Similarly, event-driven approaches or CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) focus on event handling and scalability for complex applications, often with very different implementation models but complementary to hexagonal architecture.

Finally, the choice of tools and frameworks to support this architecture must be continuously reassessed.

In conclusion, hexagonal architecture is only one piece of the puzzle. It provides a solid foundation but must be constantly reevaluated and adapted within a broader technological context. Infrastructure, tooling, and the integration of other architectural paradigms will be key to building systems that are increasingly scalable, resilient, and high-performing.

Jean-Jerome Levy

Written by

Jean-Jerome Levy

DevOps Consultant

Seasoned professional in the field of information technology, I bring over 20 years of experience from working within major corporate IT departments. My diverse expertise has played a pivotal role in a myriad of projects, marked by the implementation of innovative DevOps practices.